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Indian Visa & OCI Card

Indian Visa & OCI Card

An OCI card is something called the Overseas Citizenship of India card. This card is given to people who are from India but live in another country. If you have this card, you can live and work in India for as long as you want because there's no time limit on it.

Many people of Indian descent who live in other countries don't have Indian passports. To help them, the Indian government made the OCI card. It's like a way for them to have a connection to India.

Who can get an OCI card?

  • You used to be a citizen of India, even if now you live in another country.
  • You could have become a citizen of India when the country's Constitution started.
  • You're from a place that joined India after 15th August 1947.
  • You're the child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of someone like that.
  • You're a kid whose parents are citizens of India, or at least one of them is.
  • You're the foreign spouse of an Indian citizen or an OCI cardholder, and you've been married for at least two years.

You can't get an OCI card if you or your parents were citizens of Pakistan or Bangladesh. Also, if you worked in the military or security, you can't get it.

Why is an OCI card good?

  • If you have an OCI card, you can enjoy some good things. You can:
  • Live and work in India without giving up your foreign citizenship.
  • Visit India as many times as you want.
  • Stay in India for a long time without any special registration.
  • If you're adopting a child from India, this card is useful.
  • Work in India in jobs like nursing, engineering, accounting, and more.

So, having an OCI card is quite helpful if you want to stay connected with India and do different things there.