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Study Permit Extension

Study Permit Extension

Most foreign nationals wishing to study in Canada must have a valid study permit. In the event that an international student will take longer than expected to complete their program of study, or if they transfer to a longer program of study, there is a strong likelihood that they will have to apply to extend their study permit.

A study permit extension is required if an international student in Canada wishes to continue studying for longer than the validity period of their study permit. To extend the permit, the international student must submit an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to extend their stay in Canada as a student.

This application must be submitted electronically unless otherwise specified. The Canadian government requires that most temporary residence applications made from within Canada be made through electronic application, including:

  • all applications for extensions of temporary resident status made from within Canada
  • all applications for study or work permits made from within Canada
  • all applications for renewals of study or work permits made from within Canada

The Steps to Acquiring a Canadian Study Permit:

For individuals aspiring to study in Canada, there are specific documents to secure and requirements to fulfill:

  • Obtain a study permit sanctioned by the immigration department of Canada, mandatory for full-time studies. It's worth noting that a study permit isn't obligatory if the student completes the program within a 6-month duration.
  • Possess a valid passport issued by your home country.
  • If you belong to a non-visa exempt nation, you'll additionally require a visa to enter Canada.
  • Students aiming to enroll in a Quebec university must navigate through a more extensive procedure due to Quebec's heightened adherence to provisional regulations.
  • Our organization boasts substantial expertise in handling such scenarios and can extend aid to individuals interested in procuring a Study Permit.

Temporary Resident Visa (Trv)

Any foreign national from a country that requires a visa to enter Canada should be aware that there is a high likelihood that their Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) will expire on the same date as their study permit. Maintaining a valid TRV is not mandatory for a foreign national studying in Canada, since it is the study permit which grants authority to participate in study activities. However, the TRV authorizes entry and re-entry to Canada. If you intend to travel outside Canada during your studies, you may need to renew your TRV.

Quebec Study Permit Extension

In the province of Quebec, international students must possess both a valid study permit and a valid certificateacceptation du Québec (CAQ). If an international student wishes to continue their studies after the expiry date indicated on their CAQ, then they must apply for a new CAQ from the Ministeredimmigration, Diversity et de inclusion (MIDI).

Important Guidelines Regarding the Duration of Stay in Canada with a Study Permit:

The validity period of a study permit in Canada is typically aligned with the duration of your chosen study program, plus an additional 90-day grace period. This 90-day window offers you time to make arrangements to depart from Canada or to submit an application for an extension of your stay.

If you're taking prerequisite courses such as pre-health and pre-technology programs:
You are required to complete college courses prior to granting admission into the primary program (known as conditional acceptance), your study permit's validity will span the duration of these prerequisite courses, along with an additional year. Upon acceptance into the main program, it becomes necessary to apply for a student stay extension.

If your studies conclude after the expiration of your study permit:
Should your courses not be completed by the permit's expiration date, you must apply for an extension of your student status. Failure to do so will result in the need to cease studies and leave Canada.

If your studies conclude before your study permit expires:
If you complete your studies ahead of your study permit's expiration date, the permit itself becomes void 90 days after your official completion date, regardless of the printed expiry date on the permit.
The calculation of these 90 days is initiated from the moment College officially notifies you of your program's successful completion. This notification can take the form of a graduation email, a final transcript, or a graduation letter.
For students embarking on an English language program for one semester and subsequently planning to pursue a post-secondary program:
We recommend consulting one of our advisors, as a revised study permit will need to be applied for when you're ready to commence your post-secondary studies.

Temporary departures during study:
If you leave Canada while studying, it is imperative to furnish evidence of your enrollment in College upon your return. Additionally, if you hold a visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA), ensure their validity for your return to Canada.