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Passport Application

Passport Application For Canadian Visa

You will need to submit an application, along with supporting documents. The forms and documents you submit varies depending on which country you are applying in. At a minimum, you must meet the following requirements to apply for a Canadian passport:

Conditions for Applying for a Passport

The mandatory documents you need to submit are as follows:

Evidence of citizenship

You must present an original document proving your Canadian citizenship when applying for a new passport. After verification, you will receive your document back.

Your proof will vary depending on your citizenship. The kind of document to use as identification for citizenship depends on the following categories:

Nationality by birth

You must provide one of the following documents to prove your citizenship if you were born in Canada:

  • a birth certificate issued by the territory or province where you were born.
  • a certificate of Canadian citizenship.

Alternative forms of citizenship

If you were born outside of Canada, you must present one of the following as proof of your citizenship:

  • foreign-issued birth registration certificate.
  • certification of Canadian citizenship.
  • Retention of Canadian citizenship certificate.
  • certificate of naturalization.

Other Documents for Travel

You must show a current Canadian passport, refugee travel document, or identity document.

Identification-Supporting Documents

The federal, provincial, territorial, or state governments, as well as international organizations with a similar mission, may grant individuals with documents that serve as proof of identification.
Your identification document should demonstrate:

  • Picture.
  • Name.
  • the birth date.
  • Signature.

You may submit the following identification documents:

  • Canadian passport (current or less than a year old).
  • Identification of the employee.
  • driving permit.
  • medical ID card.
  • Indian status document..
  • ID from the military.
  • foreign identity card.
  • a license not for driving.
  • ID card issued by the government.

Passport Photos You must submit two identical passport photos. One of the photos' backs must include the following information:

  • Name and full address of the photo studio.
  • the day the passport photos were taken by the photographer.
  • Your guarantor's signature is required.
  • Written confirmation from the guarantor that the image is truly you.

Who can apply for a Canadian passport on behalf of a minor?

  • Proof of parentage from one of the minor's parents.
  • Legal guardian of the minor, with proof of legal guardianship.
  • In the event of a separation or divorce, the custodial parent, along with any related legal documents.

How do you go about applying for a Canadian passport?

  • In Canada, you can apply for a passport by mail, in person at a passport office, or in person at a Service Canada receiving agent.
  • In the United States, you can submit it by mail or in person at a passport office or a Service Canada receiving agent.
  • Outside of Canada and the United States, contact the nearest Canadian government office.

How long is the processing time and what are the application fees?

  • Passport applications made at a passport office take 10 business days.
  • All other modes of submission take 20 business days. This excludes mailing time.
  • Urgent and express service options are also available in Canada.
  • A 5-year adult passport has a fee of \$120, while a 10-year adult passport has a fee of \$160. A minor's passport has a fee of \$57
  • For in-Canada applications, urgent pick-up (next day) will cost an additional \$110. Express pick-up (2-9 days) will cost an additional \$50. Expedited standard pick-up (10 days and up) will cost an additional \$20.