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Post Graduate Work Permit

Post Graduate Work Permit

Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWPs) are tailored for international students who've successfully graduated from a DLI. Unlike other work permits, PGWPs are open, granting the flexibility to work anywhere in Canada for any employer.

Who's Eligible for a PGWP?

To qualify for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), applicants must be at least 18 years old and have completed a full-time study program in Canada lasting a minimum of 8 months. The program should have been undertaken at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in one of the specified program categories below. Additionally, applying within 180 days of program completion is required.

Applicants within Canada should have valid status during application. If a study permit has expired or is about to, applying for visitor status before PGWP is an option. Those applying before study permit expiration can work full-time while awaiting processing. Overseas applications are also accepted.

Eligible Study Levels

  • Public post-secondary schools (colleges, universities, etc.) or CEGEP in Quebec.
  • Private post-secondary schools adhering to public school regulations (certain Quebec institutions).
  • Private secondary or post-secondary schools in Quebec with qualifying programs of 900+ hours leading to diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) or attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP).
  • Canadian private schools authorized by provincial law to award degrees for specific programs.

PGWP Processing Time

PGWPs typically take 80 to 180 days to process. You're permitted to work in Canada while your PGWP is pending, provided you applied before your student permit's expiry.
Application Deadline:
Applicants have 180 days from program completion to apply for a PGWP.

New Overseas Application Option:

Now, PGWP applications can also be submitted from outside Canada, broadening the application scope. Additional documents may be requested depending on the processing visa office.

In a nutshell, a PGWP offers international graduates an opportunity to gain valuable work experience in Canada after completing their studies.